BDK-Bundesvorsitzender André Schulz neuer Botschafter der White Ribbon Campaign

Violence against women is a shameful reality throughout the European Union and across the world. Mostly it is committed by men. It is rooted in gender inequalities, and it still far too often goes unnoticed and unchallenged. The White Ribbon Campaign exists to change this.
Men and boys wearing the White Ribbon declare that they will never commit, excuse, or remain silent about men's violence against women. White Ribbon is one of the world’s largest male-led campaigns to end men’s violence against women. It started in 1991 in Canada, and is now active in many countries across the globe. Every year it is growing stronger as more men and boys realise that women’s and girls’ safety is their issue too.
Men are part of the solution. You are part of the solution. Your voice matters. Take the White Ribbon pledge and join the campaign now.
“Every day, women of all age groups, social status’ and any nationality experience violence. According to recent studies, 40% of all German women have already experienced violence. The physical and mental damage, mostly caused by men, are immense. Violence does not solve problems, it only creates new ones. We have to socially outlaw violence and to underline that we do not tolerate it. That’s why I support the White Ribbon Campaign!“
André Schulz
Chairman of
the German Criminal Police Officer’s Union (BDK)
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